How Serious Are Firearms and Weapons Charges in BC?

Firearms and weapons charges are considered serious crimes in British Columbia. These offences are federal crimes, and their treatment in the courts is governed by the Criminal Code of Canada. In today’s blog article, we would like to talk briefly about firearms and weapons charges.
What Is Relevant Regarding Firearms Charges?
If a person is charged with a firearms or weapons offence, there are a number of factors that will influence how that case proceeds through the courts and the potential penalties. Some of these factors are listed below.
Were the weapons being trafficked or intended to be trafficked?
Were the weapons used in the commission of one or more other offences?
Were the weapons intended for use in commission of other future crimes?
What kinds of weapons were there and how many were involved?
Were there prohibited or restricted weapons involved?
Was anyone hurt during the commission of this firearm crime? If so, how badly?
Penalties for firearms and weapons charges vary depending on many factors including those noted above. There is frequently both jail time and a fine.
Keep in mind that when we hear “weapons” most of us think of guns, but the law also covers a number of other types of dangerous weapons, often designed for concealed use such as nunchuks and brass knuckles.
Prohibited weapons are particularly frowned upon, such as various automatic weapons and converted or modified weapons, which are often the weapons of choice in mass shootings.
No matter what your crime is or what you are charged with, in Canada, you are entitled to a proper defence by a criminal defence lawyer. Hire a defence lawyer without delay.
Gagan Nahal is a criminal defence lawyer based in Surrey, British Columbia, although he has represented clients across Canada. He works vigorously and tirelessly defending his clients.
If you have any questions about this article or you would like to talk to Mr. Nahal, please call him directly at (604) 527-4769.