Should I Ignore a Bogus Sexual Assault Charge?

If you have been charged or accused of sexual assault, whether you believe the charges to be bogus or not, you should definitely not ignore it. In today’s blog article, we will tell you what you should do.
Hire a Lawyer
The first thing you should do is hire a criminal lawyer experienced with assault and sexual assault cases. Just because you may think a charge is bogus does not mean that anyone else within the justice system will think that. For that reason, you should take it very seriously. Being found guilty of sexual assault can have serious penalties and repercussions that can last a lifetime.
Write Down Some Notes
Take some time and write down what you remember about the person and/or dates in question. Some of this information may be helpful later for your lawyer, especially in cases where someone is falsely accused. Maybe you were somewhere else at the time and can prove it.
Don’t Talk to Police
Don’t talk to police or make any statements without first consulting your lawyer. You have the right to remain silent. Use that right to protect yourself. Also, do not discuss your case on the phone if you are taken into custody. All of those phone calls are recorded.
Just because you believe that a charge or accusation is bogus, never ignore it or make light of the situation. Get yourself an experienced criminal lawyer who will use his or her skill to defend you, and do not delay.
If you are charged with sexual assault, and you need representation, please contact Gagan Nahal for a free consultation in Vancouver at (604) 527-4769. Mr. Nahal’s law practice focuses on criminal defence law, he has extensive experience with assault cases.
Gagan Nahal is a criminal defence lawyer based in Surrey, British Columbia, although he has represented clients across Canada. He works vigorously and tirelessly defending his clients.
If you have any questions about this article or you would like to talk to Mr. Nahal, please call him directly at (604) 527-4769.