The Impact of Assault Charges on Your Personal and Professional Lives
The impact of assault charges on your personal and professional lives can be enormous and is hard to quantify. First there is the charge, and obviously, some assault charges are much more serious than others. If you are charged, whether you are convicted or not, the charge will show up on your criminal record.
Any assault charge on your record can affect future employment and also future travel. A conviction for a sexual assault charge will mean that you will fall under SOIRA (Sex Offender Information Registration Act) and you will be placed in a database with other sexual offenders.
So, being charged with a criminal offence like assault, and worse, being found guilty can have a profound influence on your life. There is a stigma attached to having been found guilty of a crime, any crime, and that stigma can alienate friends and relatives. Your life after being convicted may be quite different from the life you had before.
For that reason, we stress over and over to hire a criminal defence lawyer as soon as possible if you are charged with a crime like assault. A good defence lawyer will try to get your charges reduced or possibly thrown out. If the case proceeds, your lawyer will draw on his experience and expertise to try to get you found not guilty. If you are found guilty, your lawyer will try to get your sentence or penalty reduced. Remember that the Crown does not like to try cases unless they are pretty sure they can win. Your lawyer will try to convince the Crown that they cannot win your case.
Being charged with assault can ruin professional reputations and tank successful businesses. Hire a criminal lawyer as fast as you can, and let the lawyer help you with damage control.
Do not make any statements to the police without first consulting your lawyer. Do not discuss your case with anyone except your lawyer. Rely on your defence lawyer.That is why you have one—to defend you. In BC, call Gagan Nahal for a free legal consultation at (604) 527-4769.
Gagan Nahal is a criminal defence lawyer based in Surrey, British Columbia, although he has represented clients across Canada. He works vigorously and tirelessly defending his clients.
If you have any questions about this article or you would like to talk to Mr. Nahal, please call him directly at (604) 527-4769.