Not all criminal acts are committed by those under the influence of alcohol, and not everyone who drinks alcohol commits crimes. However, very often there is a link between alcohol and criminal behaviour. Click here to read more.
The criminal defence lawyer has the role of giving the accused the best defence possible. But what does that mean exactly? That is what we are going to talk about in today’s blog article.
Today's blog is about understanding self-defence as a defence strategy is that whatever force is used in self-defence is reasonable and proportional to the threat. Read here to learn more.
In today’s blog article, we would like to offer a summary of the most common issues and considerations related to assault charges within the context of domestic violence.
False accusations can have a tremendous impact on both the person accused and the person doing the accusing. In today’s blog article, we are going to discuss what these impacts can entail.
There are several different types and levels of assault, and what type of assault one is charged with determines exactly how serious the charge is. Read here to learn more.
Even if you are charged with a criminal act in British Columbia, it is the federal/national Criminal Code that sets forth how the act is classified. Read here to learn more.
What makes some individuals commit acts of violence like assault or sexual assault, and why do others refrain from these actions? Read here to learn more.
False accusations can destroy careers and damage reputations beyond repair. However, this is not a fight that you can or should do alone. Read here to learn more.
Within Canada, if a child commits a crime and is older than 14 but younger than 18 the justice system is the youth criminal justice system covered by the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Read here to learn more.
There is a strong link between alcohol and criminal behaviour, supported by substantial research over many years. It is a cause-and-effect relationship: alcohol often plays a role in causing criminal behaviour.
In today’s blog article we will talk about both the legal considerations of being charged with assault in the context of domestic violence, and the emotional considerations of the victims.
There are many resources available across Canada for sexual assault survivors. In today’s blog article, we are going to list some of the specific resources available in British Columbia.