
Criminal Defence Services for Sexual Interference Charges

In Canada, Sexual Interference refers to the touching a person under the age of 16 for a sexual purpose. It is an indictable offence, and not one that you want on your criminal record if possible.

What Happens if you are convicted for Sexual Interference?

Conviction for Sexual Interference will land you on the National Sex Offender Registry established by the Sexual Offender Information Registration Act (SOIRA), a heavy burden that will follow and impede you for years into the future. Once you get on this Registry, getting off of the Registry is no easy task and not a given.

Sexual offences in Canada are rigorously prosecuted by the Crown, especially crimes against children, such as Sexual Interference. Do not delay, and engage a criminal lawyer as soon as possible if you are facing these types of charges.

Gagan Nahal is a capable criminal defence lawyer, who has successfully defended clients in Sexual Interference cases, and this area of the law for which Mr. Nahal welcomes inquiries.

Get a Skilled Lawyer to Defend Your Sexual Interference Charges

If Your are charged with Sexual Interference, your future is at risk! Contact Gagan Nahal as soon as possible if you are arrested or believe that arrest is imminent. Mr. Nahal always tells his clients not to speak to anyone about the charges or the crime or give any statements to the police before speaking with your lawyer.

If you are in Surrey, British Columbia, and you are facing charges such as Sexual Interference, you will want a skilled lawyer such as Gagan Nahal on your side.