Navigating the Legal Landscape of Assault Charges in Surrey

Although in previous years, Surrey had the unenviable status of Canada’s city with the most crime, those statistics appear to be trending down. Nevertheless, assault is common charge in Surrey, and in today’s blog, we would like to talk about what that means.
Take It Seriously
If you are charged with assault, take it very seriously. While there are many types of assaults, and there are many factors that determine how your charge will be treated in the court system, assault is the most serious charge in Canadian criminal law before murder. So, no matter what type of assault you are charged with, in Surrey or elsewhere, always take it seriously.
Do Not Make Statements to the Police
Even if you have the best of intentions and are completely innocent, if you are charged with assault, do not make any statements to the police. This is your right, and it is in your best interest to exercise it. Remain silent and hire a lawyer. If you cannot afford one, then one will be assigned to you.
Hire a Lawyer
Hire a lawyer. If you cannot afford to select and pay your own lawyer, then you will still be assigned one by the court system. Under the Canadian system, everyone charged with a serious crime is entitled to a legal defence and a lawyer whether you can pay for it or not.
If you are hiring your own lawyer, choose one who is experienced with criminal law. Assault charges can have stiff penalties, and as with other professions, experience is important in navigating the legal system and ensuring the best outcome for you.
Your conversations with your lawyer are private and protected under Canadian law, in Surrey, and everywhere else in Canada, so be completely honest with your lawyer. Being totally honest will help your lawyer to decide on the best defence strategy for you. Trust and rely on your lawyer to help you.
If you have been charged with assault, please contact Gagan Nahal for a free consultation in Vancouver at (604) 527-4769 as soon as possible. Mr. Nahal’s law practice focuses on criminal defence law, and he has extensive experience in this area of the law.
Gagan Nahal is a criminal defence lawyer based in Surrey, British Columbia, although he has represented clients across Canada. He works vigorously and tirelessly defending his clients.
If you have any questions about this article or you would like to talk to Mr. Nahal, please call him directly at (604) 527-4769.