How Surrey Laws Address Assault Against Public Officers

Assault is an unfortunate reality in our society, and public officers are not immune, with workplace incidents ranging from minor scuffles to severe attacks.
These assaults can have dire consequences, and there are laws in place that protect public officers in Surrey from assault.
Who Are Public Officers?
In Canada, this term includes various professionals tasked with maintaining order and enforcing laws, including:
- Prison Guards
- Military Police
- Border Guards
- Pilots
Given their critical responsibilities and heightened exposure to risk, it is crucial to offer them robust legal protection against assault.
Key Surrey Laws on Assault Against Public Officers
Under Canadian law, two notable statutes provide stringent measures against assaulting peace officers, sections 270(1) and 270.01(1) of the Criminal Code.
Section 270(1): This statute addresses general assault against a peace officer engaged in their duties. To secure a conviction under this provision, prosecutors must establish three elements:
- Intentional application of non-consensual force
- Identification of the victim as a peace officer
- Confirmation that the officer was performing lawful duties at the time of the assault.
Section 270.01(1): This section covers aggravated circumstances where an assault involves a weapon or causes bodily harm. Conviction under this provision attracts more severe penalties due to its escalated nature.
Legal protections ensure that peace officers carry out their duties without undue risk of harm while upholding justice fairly, and both of these statutes emphasize protecting peace officers due to their vital roles within society.
If you or someone you know faces charges related to such offenses, stay informed about your rights and seek competent legal advice immediately.
Gagan Nahal is a criminal defence lawyer based in Surrey, British Columbia, although he has represented clients across Canada. He works vigorously and tirelessly defending his clients.
If you have any questions about this article or you would like to talk to Mr. Nahal, please call him directly at (604) 527-4769.